Friday, March 4, 2011

Magic School Bus Ocean Webquest

Webquest Adapted from

CyberGuide by Donna Skahill


You are about to embark on a fantastic voyage as Ms. Frizzle and her class did. We don't have a Magic School Bus to hop on but the Internet can help us travel to many places in the ocean, too. You will need to pack for your voyage. Take a Journal titled "My Trip to the Ocean Floor" and a pencil. You may want to take your crayons along, also.


The Task

You will visit many places in the ocean. Do each activity in order. At the end of the trip,  you will be asked to write a paragraph about your trip. Remember to look for facts as you travel. You will write a paragraph with at least three facts so take good notes!

**Do you want to know more about the Secret World of Tide Pools? Click here! Explore around and learn some more facts to put on your webquest journal page.  

**Be sure to visit this website about the Open Ocean!

**Coral Reefs are awesome - click here to learn more!

**If you still don't have enough facts or just want to know more, click here!

**Test your ocean knowledge by clicking here to visit Mrs. Frizzle 

Final Task
  • This is your chance to share with your classmates about your trip. Write your paragraph using a topic sentence first. (A topic sentence might be "My favorite place to visit was the coral reef with all the fish and fire coral." )
  • Now write a sentence telling about something you saw in the reef or learned about. (one fact)
  • Write another sentence about the same topic.
  • Write a last sentence about the same topic. (That's why you had to find at least 3 facts!)

  • Remember to use your best writing! (Your handwriting will be graded, too!)
  • Do you have the correct spacing between letters and words?
  • Draw a picture to go along with your paragraph.


     How You Will Be Graded
    • You need to have a topic sentence and three sentences with facts about you topic.
    • You need to write legibly, using margins and correct spacing between letters.
    • Use correct spelling.
    • Use your best writing for your final copy.